Krzysztof Simiński


    [46] Krzysztof Siminski, Konrad Wnuk, Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Description from Fuzzy Rule Base, 2024. [bibtex]
    [45] Dawid Suchy, Krzysztof Siminski, GrDBSCAN: A granular density–based clustering algorithm, [in] International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2023, volume 33, number 2, pp. 297–312. [bibtex] [doi]
    [44] Krzysztof Siminski, 3WDNFS – Three-way decision neuro-fuzzy system for classification, [in] Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2023, volume 466, pp. 108432. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [43] Krzysztof Siminski, Prototype based granular neuro-fuzzy system for regression task, [in] Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2022, volume 449, pp. 56-78. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [42] Krzysztof Siminski, Granular Computing, [in] Artificial intelligence and data processing, 2022, pp. 192-200. [bibtex]
    [41] Krzysztof Siminski, FuBiNFS – fuzzy biclustering neuro-fuzzy system, [in] Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2022, volume 438, pp. 84–106. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [40] Krzysztof Siminski, An outlier-robust neuro-fuzzy system for classification and regression, [in] International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2021, volume 31, number 2, pp. 303–319. [bibtex] [doi]
    [39] Krzysztof Siminski, GrNFS – Granular neuro-fuzzy system for regression in large volume data, [in] International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2021, volume 31, number 3, pp. 445–459. [bibtex] [doi]
    [38] Krzysztof Siminski, GrFCM -- Granular Clustering of Granular Data, [in] Man-Machine Interactions 6 (Aleksandra Gruca, Tadeusz Czachórski, Sebastian Deorowicz, Katarzyna Harężlak, Agnieszka Piotrowska, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 111-121. [bibtex] [doi]
    [37] FIT2COMIn -- Robust Clustering Algorithm for Incomplete Data, [in] Man-Machine Interactions 6 (Aleksandra Gruca, Tadeusz Czachórski, Sebastian Deorowicz, Katarzyna Harężlak, Agnieszka Piotrowska, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 99-110. [bibtex] [doi]
    [36] Krzysztof Siminski, NFL -- Free Library for Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, [in] Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Paving the Road to Smart Data Processing and Analysis (Stanisław Kozielski, Dariusz Mrozek, Paweł Kasprowski, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek, Daniel Kostrzewa, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 139-150. [bibtex] [doi]
    [35] Krzysztof Siminski, Robust subspace neuro-fuzzy system with data ordering, [in] Neurocomputing, 2017, volume 238, pp. 33-43. [bibtex] [doi]
    [34] Krzysztof Siminski, Interval Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy System with Implication-based Inference Mechanism, [in] Expert Systems With Applications, 2017, volume 79C, pp. 140-152. [bibtex] [doi]
    [33] Krzysztof Siminski, Fuzzy weighted C-ordered means clustering algorithm, [in] Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2017, volume 318, pp. 1-33. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [32] Krzysztof Siminski, Ridders algorithm in approximate inversion of fuzzy model with parameterized consequences, [in] Expert Systems with Applications, 2016, volume 51, pp. 276-285. ([IF: 2.240]) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [31] Krzysztof Siminski, New Rough-Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Regression Task in Incomplete Data, [in] Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 12th International Conference, BDAS 2016, Ustroń, Poland, May 31 -- June 3, 2016, Proceedings (Stanisław Kozielski, Dariusz Mrozek, Paweł Kasprowski, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek, Daniel Kostrzewa, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 146-156. [bibtex]
    [30] Krzysztof Siminski, Memetic Neuro-Fuzzy System with Differential Optimisation, [in] Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 12th International Conference, BDAS 2016, Ustroń, Poland, May 31 -- June 3, 2016, Proceedings (Stanisław Kozielski, Dariusz Mrozek, Paweł Kasprowski, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek, Daniel Kostrzewa, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 135-145. [bibtex] [doi]
    [29] Krzysztof Siminski, Memetic Neuro-Fuzzy System with Big-Bang-Big-Crunch Optimisation, [chapter in] Man--Machine Interactions 4, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 583-592. [bibtex]
    [28] Krzysztof Siminski, Imputation of Missing Values by Inversion of Fuzzy Neuro-System, [chapter in] Man--Machine Interactions 4, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 573-582. [bibtex]
    [27] Krzysztof Siminski, Improvement of Precision of Neuro-Fuzzy System by Increase of Activation of Rules, [in] Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 12th International Conference, BDAS 2016, Ustroń, Poland, May 31 -- June 3, 2016, Proceedings (Stanisław Kozielski, Dariusz Mrozek, Paweł Kasprowski, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek, Daniel Kostrzewa, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 157-167. [bibtex] [doi]
    [26] Krzysztof Simiński, Rough subspace neuro-fuzzy system, [in] Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2015, volume 269, number , pp. 30-46. ([40 pkt]) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
    [25] Jakub Nalepa, Krzysztof Siminski, Michal Kawulok, Towards Parameter-less Support Vector Machines, [in] 2015 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2015, pp. 211-215. [bibtex]
    [24] Krzysztof Simiński, Transformation of Input Domain for SVM in Regression Task, [chapter in] Man-Machine Interactions 3, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 423-430. ([10 pkt.]) [bibtex]
    [23] Krzysztof Simiński, Rough fuzzy subspace clustering for data with missing values, [in] Computing & Informatics, 2014, volume 33, number 1, pp. 131-153. ([15 pkt]) [bibtex]
    [22] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-Fuzzy System Based Kernel for Classification with Support Vector Machines, [chapter in] Man-Machine Interactions 3, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 415-422. ([10 pkt.]) [bibtex]
    [21] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-fuzzy system with weighted attributes, [in] Soft Computing, 2014, volume 18, number 2, pp. 285-297. ([25 pkt; 2012 Impact Factor 1.124]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [20] Marcin Sikora, Krzysztof Simiński, Comparison of Incomplete Data Handling Techniques for Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, [in] Computer Science, 2014, volume 15, number 4, pp. 441-458. ([8 pkt.]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [19] Artur Matyja, Krzysztof Simiński, Comparison of algorithms for clustering incomplete data, [in] Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 2014, volume 39, number 2, pp. 107-127. ([9 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [18] Krzysztof Simiński, Clustering with missing values, [in] Fundamenta Informaticae, 2013, volume 123, number 3, pp. 331-350. ([20 pkt]) [bibtex]
    [17] Krzysztof Simiński, Analysis of new method of initialisation of neuro-fuzzy systems with support vector machines, [in] Theoretical and Applied Informatics, 2012, volume 24, number 3, pp. 243–254. ([4 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [16] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-rough-fuzzy approach for regression modelling from missing data, [in] International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2012, volume 22, number 2, pp. 461-476. ([20 pkt; impact factor: 0.794]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [15] Krzysztof Simiński, Clustering in Fuzzy Subspaces, [in] Theoretical and Applied Informatics, 2012, volume 24, number 4, pp. 313-326. ([4 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [14] Krzysztof Simiński, Merging of Fuzzy Models for Neuro-fuzzy Systems, [in] Theoretical and Applied Informatics, 2011, volume 23, number 2, pp. 107-126. ([4 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [13] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-fuzzy System for Large Data Sets, [chapter in] Man-Machine Interactions 2 (Tadeusz Czachórski, Stanisław Kozielski, Urszula Stańczyk, eds.), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, volume 103, pp. 297-304. ([8 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [12] Krzysztof Simiński, Rule weights in neuro-fuzzy system with hierarchical domain partition, [in] International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2010, volume 20, number 2, pp. 337-347. ([9 pkt; impact factor: 0.684]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [11] Nina Szuszczańska, Przemysław Szmal, Krzysztof Simiński, The Deep Parser for Polish, [chapter in] Responding to Information Society Challenges: New Advances in Human Language Technologies (Zygmunt Vetulani, Hans Uszkoreit, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2009, volume 5603, pp. 205 - 217. [bibtex] [doi]
    [10] Krzysztof Simiński, Simplification of Neuro-Fuzzy Models, [chapter in] Man-Machine Interactions (Krzysztof A. Cyran, Stanisław Kozielski, James F. Peters, Urszula Stańczyk, Alicja Wakulicz-Deja, eds.), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009, volume 59, pp. 265-272. ([8 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [9] Krzysztof Simiński, Remark on Membership Functions in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, [chapter in] Man-Machine Interactions (Krzysztof A. Cyran, Stanisław Kozielski, James F. Peters, Urszula Stańczyk, Alicja Wakulicz-Deja, eds.), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009, volume 59, pp. 291-297. ([10 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [8] Krzysztof Simiński, Patchwork neuro-fuzzy system with hierarchical domain partition, [chapter in] Computer Recognition Systems 3 (Marek Kurzyński, Michał Woźniak, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2009, volume 57, pp. 11-18. ([10 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [7] Krzysztof Simiński, Data noise reduction in neuro-fuzzy systems, [chapter in] Computer Recognition Systems 3 (Marek Kurzyński, Michał Woźniak, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2009, volume 57, pp. 187-194. ([8 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [6] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-fuzzy system with hierarchical domain partition, [in] Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA 2008), IEEE Computer Society Publishing, 2008, pp. 392-397. ([8 pkt; Web of Science]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [5] Krzysztof Simiński, Two Ways of Domain Partition in Fuzzy Inference System with Parametrized Consequences: Clustering and Hierarchical Split, [in] OWD2008, X International PhD Workshop, 2008, pp. 103-108. [bibtex] [pdf]
    [4] Krzysztof Simiński, Sentence Boundary Verification in Polish Text, [chapter in] Computer Recognition Systems 2 (Marek Kurzyński, Edward Puchała, Michał Woźniak, Andrzej Żołnierek, eds.), Springer Verlag, 2008, volume 45, pp. 493-499. ([10 pkt]) [bibtex] [doi]
    [3] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-Fuzzy System with Hierarchical Partition of Input Domain, [in] Studia Informatica, 2008, volume 29, number 4A (80), pp. 43-53. ([4 pkt]) [bibtex] [pdf]
    [2] Krzysztof Simiński, Neuro-fuzzy Approach to Sentence Boundary Verification in Polish Text, [in] OWD2008, X International PhD Workshop, 2008, pp. 267-270. [bibtex] [pdf]
    [1] Nina Suszczańska, Krzysztof Simiński, The Polsyn Parser, [in] Proceeding of 3rd Language & Technology Conference (Zygmunt Vetulani, ed.), 2007, pp. 345-349. [bibtex] [pdf]