Ridders algorithm in approximate inversion of fuzzy model with parameterized consequences
Krzysztof Siminski
Krzysztof Siminski, Ridders algorithm in approximate inversion of fuzzy model with parameterized consequences, [in] Expert Systems with Applications, 2016, volume 51, pp. 276-285. ([IF: 2.240])
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Ridders algorithm in approximate inversion of fuzzy model with parameterized consequences},
  Author                   = {Krzysztof Siminski},
  Journal                  = {Expert Systems with Applications},
  Year                     = {2016},
  Volume                   = {51},
  Pages                    = {276--285},
  doi                      = {10.1016/j.eswa.2015.12.042},
  note                     = {[IF:  2.240]},
  url                      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417415008507}
  abstract  = {Fuzzy models are known for their ability of precise data approximation. They can be used in automatic
control as controllers. One of the techniques is based on inversion of fuzzy models. Fuzzy models can
be inverted exactly or approximately. The exact inversion requires special features of fuzzy models. The
approximate methods can be applied to a wider class of fuzzy models. The paper presents an approximate inversion of a fuzzy model with parametrized consequences. This fuzzy model cannot be inverted
exactly. The presented approach inverts an existing fuzzy model with respect to any input. The inversion
procedure uses the Ridders algorithm. The inversion is fast and does not require a separate training for
each inverse input. The convergence of this approach is faster than linear. The paper formulates a theorem that shortens a search interval and may help to accelerate an inversion. The paper is accompanied
by numerical examples.},
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