Memetic Neuro-Fuzzy System with Big-Bang-Big-Crunch Optimisation
Krzysztof Siminski
Incomplete data are common and require special techniques. The essential techniques are: marginalisation, imputation, and rough sets. The paper presents the imputation by inversion of the neuro-fuzzy system. First the neuro-fuzzy systems is trained with complete data. Next the system is inverted and the missing values are imputed. The complete and imputed data are used to train the final neuro-fuzzy system. The technique is limited to data items with one missing value. The paper is accompanied by numerical examples and statistical verification.
Krzysztof Siminski, Memetic Neuro-Fuzzy System with Big-Bang-Big-Crunch Optimisation, [chapter in] Man--Machine Interactions 4, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 583-592.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Memetic Neuro-Fuzzy System with {B}ig-{B}ang-{B}ig-{C}runch Optimisation},
  author={Siminski, Krzysztof},
  booktitle={Man--Machine Interactions 4},
  publisher={Springer International Publishing},
  abstract = {Incomplete data are common and require special techniques.
The essential techniques are: marginalisation, imputation, and rough
sets. The paper presents the imputation by inversion of the neuro-fuzzy
system. First the neuro-fuzzy systems is trained with complete data.
Next the system is inverted and the missing values are imputed. The
complete and imputed data are used to train the final neuro-fuzzy system. 
The technique is limited to data items with one missing value. The
paper is accompanied by numerical examples and statistical verification.},
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