Krzysztof Simiński
The rule base is a crucial part of neuro-fuzzy systems. Each rule, representing the fuzzy implication, consists of a premise and a conclusion. Often the premises are elaborated first, then the consequences. There are many methods of premise extraction, among them clustering, grid split and hierarchical partition. The hierarchical domain split combines the advantages of clustering and grid split: avoids the curse of dimensionality and reduces the areas of very low membership to all regions. The paper compares the ANNBFIS system with clustering of the domain and the proposed HS-47 system with hierarchical domain partition. The paper also presents the results of experiments on real life and synthetic dataset.
Krzysztof Simiński, Two Ways of Domain Partition in Fuzzy Inference System with Parametrized Consequences: Clustering and Hierarchical Split, [in] OWD2008, X International PhD Workshop, 2008, pp. 103-108.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Krzysztof Simi\'{n}ski},
title = {Two Ways of Domain Partition in Fuzzy Inference System with Parametrized
Consequences: Clustering and Hierarchical Split},
booktitle = {OWD2008, X International PhD Workshop},
year = {2008},
pages = {103--108},
address = {Wis{\l}a, Poland},
abstract = {The rule base is a crucial part of neuro-fuzzy systems. Each rule,
representing the fuzzy implication, consists of a premise and a conclusion.
Often the premises are elaborated first, then the consequences. There
are many methods of premise extraction, among them clustering, grid
split and hierarchical partition. The hierarchical domain split combines
the advantages of clustering and grid split: avoids the curse of
dimensionality and reduces the areas of very low membership to all
regions. The paper compares the ANNBFIS system with clustering of
the domain and the proposed HS-47 system with hierarchical domain
partition. The paper also presents the results of experiments on
real life and synthetic dataset.},
timestamp = {2008.10.13},
url = { Siminski. Two Ways of Domain Partition in Fuzzy Inference System With Parametrized Consequences. Clustering And Hierarchical Split.pdf}