This paper has been published at the Proc. of 15th
IASTED Conference APPLIED INFORMATICS, Innsbruck, 1997
Abstract: WinSanal is a data-driven system for
algorithm visualization. It enables presentations of the contents of chosen
data structures in an adequately chosen, suggestive graphical form. An
extensive subsystem of data transformation is helpful in obtaining highly
abstract visualizations. The system exhibits also features of a graphically
driven debugger.
Keywords: algorithm animation, computer
graphics, debugging, software visualization.
Algorithm visualization depends on exhibiting characteristic
properties of algorithms by use of adequate graphical means. If created
pictures change, we say of algorithm animation. Execution of a program with
simultaneous graphical presentation of data is called projection. For
preparation of projections and for performing them algorithm visualization
systems (AVS) are used. An extensive review of problems connected with
algorithm animation the reader can find in [1, 2, 3].
The aim of works we do is to create an AVS that would allow to
prepare high quality projections in a short time. The system is also intended
to interactively aid program debugging, using graphical representation of data.
We called the system WinSanal. We have its working, though not yet final
version [4, 5]. In the paper we present some interesting features of the system
and its architecture.
The means offered by a chosen AVS ensure that a standard quality
visualization can be prepared relatively easily. To get a higher quality
visualization one has to put more work into its preparation. We expect we shall
be able to obtain in our system visualizations with as good standard as in
other systems but at a less expense of work.
The quality (readability, comprehensibility, clearness) of a
visualization counts much for the user who is to observe projections. It is
mostly influenced by two factors. The first is the repertoire of graphical
representations offered by the system. In WinSanal it is not as reach
as in the best known AVSs such as Balsa [6, 7], Zeus [8] or in XTango [9].
However, in practice only a limited subset of representations has been used in
visualizations [10]. WinSanal's repertoire is close to that subset. The second
factor is the possibility of creating projections at a high level of abstraction
[2, 11]. Such projections outstep isomorphic mapping data structures or code to
graphics. In order to illustrate the semantics of an algorithm one has to show
not only the elements that result from the state in which the algorithm
currently is. Other elements, that maybe do not explicitly occur in the
algorithm at all, have to be shown. In WinSanal an extensive subsystem of data
transformations establishes a general tool for obtaining highly abstract
visualizations. A good example is presentation of discrete changes of data in
the form of smooth transitions. Balsa-I [6] did not own this feature. It
appeared in Balsa-II [7] and later systems. Actually it became a part of a de
facto standard.
The ease of adapting programs for projections under an AVS is
affected by another two factors. The first of them is system assistance in
the visualizer's activities. In WinSanal this category of programmer's aids is
currently under construction, so attempts to compare them with existing
solutions would be premature. The second factor is the character of text
annotations and other elements that have to be inserted to the
visualized program. They are necessary to notify the AVS that the state of the
program changed and in what manner, and how the changes are to be illustrated.
The number, form and layout of such insertions may be taken into consideration.
In event-driven AVSs, as Balsa and XTango, the program had to notify the system
both of the fact of a change of its state and of the data values. In
data-driven AVSs - among others Animus [12] and WinSanal fall under this
category - only the fact of change should be announced, and the AVS reads the
appropriate data values by itself. In WinSanal we significantly reduced the
diversity of indispensable calls to the AVS in comparison with other systems.
It was possible thanks to a deep parameterization of the chain of
transformations to which source data are subject before they are displayed in a
graphical form.
WinSanal was created on a basis of experience from Sanal, our first
AVS [13, 14]. Sanal had been developed in 1989-1996. It was an event-driven
AVS. It worked under the DOS system, and was implemented in Borland's Turbo
Pascal. It was used to visualize programs written in this language.
WinSanal, what we mentioned in the introduction, is a data-driven
AVS. It works in Microsoft Windows 95/NT. It was implemented in C++ using
object oriented technology. Programs to be visualized should be written in C++.
WinSanal exhibits features of a graphically controlled debugging program. The
user can interactively modify the contents of observed data structures either
by direct manipulation with displayed graphical elements, or symbolically.
The architecture of the system - or, to be more precise, of its part
liable for projection execution - reflects the chain of transformations through
which data have to pass. There are four stages of the transformations. They are
schematically shown in Fig. 1.
The first stage is data acquisition. It is implemented using
objects called shadows. They are responsible for reading data values
from the observed program, and for triggering the process of further data
In the second stage translation of data takes place. Data
values are transformed so that they can be used to control graphical aspects of
the image being created. This step engages translator objects. Their
transition functions are defined by the user while the visualization is
prepared. When necessary, translators may be linked in cascades.
In the third stage, which we called generation of sequences, additional
information is introduced to the main data stream. This information has no
equivalent in the structures of the observed program but makes possible
realization of successive steps of smooth motion of graphical elements. This
operation is made by pacer objects, or sequence generators. Pacers
may also initiate auxiliary data flow paths, used to determine the trajectories
to be followed by the elements of the picture. Another liability of pacer
objects is to control the pace of the whole projection.
The last, fourth stage is data rendering. The main objects
used here are grels. They establish final representation for graphical
elements visible on the screen.
In the case of user (observer) interaction, the described path
performs backward data transformation: starting from user-generated
information, through a sequence of reverse transformations up to relevant
modification of data structures of the observed program. As was stated before,
one of the forms of user interaction is direct manipulation graphical elements.
The implementation of this feature does not give us full satisfaction yet; in
fact it is temporarily disabled.
Projection follows a fixed, three-phase scheme which is the same for
all groups of data subject to visualization. Phases of projection for different
data groups do not have to (and sometimes simply cannot) be synchronized, so in
practice they are often observed to be interlaced.
In the initial phase the scene of projection is configured - windows
to display the picture are created. In the second phase the actors contributing
the projection are introduced. The system is informed which data values should
be observed, and then paths for data flow and transformation for them are
defined, with a shadow at the beginning, one or more translators followed by a
sequence generator inside and with a grel at end. The user is free to assemble
and reassemble objects in order to get effects he wants. In the last,
read-and-play phase, the system cyclically reads current data values,
transforms them step by step to a graphical form and displays them.
To accomplish projection, calls to functions responsible for
completion of consecutive phases have to be inserted into the text of
visualized program. What's more, special configuration script has to be
supplied which contains description of non-default attributes of shadows,
translators, sequence generators and grels. The chaining schemes for these path
elements are also given.
Our system is designed and constructed to get reduction of amount of
work necessary to achieve the required form of a program that directly controls
a projection. The insertion of calls to functions that initiate the cycle: read
data - display image still has to be made manually. The automation of this
operation, among the others, is what we just work on; we employ a method of
analysis of data flow in the program - a technique used in compiler
construction. Evidently, more sophisticated visualizations require finishing
the texts of programs by hand, after they have been annotated automatically.
Let's illustrate the main features of our system with a
sample visualization of an algorithm of hash table access. We show three
different approaches to the same problem: starting with a simple rendition of
data structures that exist in the program, we increase the abstraction level in
consecutive visualizations. Such highly abstract projections make analysis of
behaviour of the program easier, especially when large input data sets are
The first visualization shows the algorithm behaviour in detail (Fig
2). The size of the hash array is only 23. The input keywords (read from a
file) appear in the left part of a window. A small circle shows the value of
the hash function, and an arrow signs the actual position in which the word is
inserted into an array, after all collisions (if any) are resolved. This
detailed visualization may be useful while the program is debugged, as well as
when it is a part of some didactic activity. Nevertheless, in real applications
much larger arrays are usually used. It is impossible to visualize big arrays
as a whole with such details. What's more, the algorithm by itself is quite
trivial - a software engineer would rather want to engage in the analysis of
behaviour of the algorithm working upon large input sets.
In the lower part of Fig. 3 another visualization of the
same algorithm is shown. The size of hash array is now 501. We can no more use
the detailed view, as the array items should be represented by bars only 1-2
pixel wide! Instead we show a histogram that tells how many accesses (reads and
writes) to consecutive items of the array occurred during the program
execution. Large values of histogram items represent these items of the array,
which either were sought many times or took part in many collisions. In the
scale used for this projection, groups of clustered items are clearly visible.
Individual bars of the histogram are only 1 pixel wide; in the case of even
larger data sets single bar may represent a group of neighbouring items. Note
that a similar histogram may be created also for small sets of input data, as
in the right part of a window shown in Fig. 2.
The last of our approaches to the hash table visualization is shown
in the upper part of Fig. 3. It is a diagram of average number of accesses
necessary for seeking up a single item, in function of the factor of filling of
the array. One can easily note, that when the filling of array exceeds about
75%, the number of accesses increases dramatically - in case of input data sets
of this size a larger hash table should be used.
It should be emphasized that all presented visualizations have been
implemented using the same version of the annotated source files (except of the
change of array size). To create all these different visualizations the
projection configuration script was the only part we had to change.
We created a preliminary version of WinSanal, a system for algorithm
animation with elements of a graphically driven debugger. It provides
facilities for presentation of the way algorithms (or programs) work - they
comprise a set of graphical representations for data, and mechanisms for data
acquisition, translation and rendering. Tools for creating dynamic pictures at
a high abstraction level are available.
The system is data driven. Thanks to that the process of adapting
programs so as they could drive projections is simplified: the repertoire of
text insertions is limited, and a great deal of instructions describing how
data transformation should look like is shifted to a configuration script.
Preparing projections is not yet as straightforward as one could
wish. At a moment, text annotations have to be made manually. However, standard
projections will be available at a less effort after completion of a module for
interactive configuring projection elements. Another future aid is a text
preprocessor. It will annotate the source text so that automatic notification
of changes of data values to the system could take place. Independently, the
repertoire of available graphical representations should be developed, as well
as specialized mechanisms for presentation of non-elementary data structures;
actually we focus on dynamic data structures.
WinSanal may serve didactic purposes, among others in the fields of
programming, algorithm analysis and construction. It may be used in
professional programming as a supplementary tool for program design, analysis
and debugging
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Algorithm Animation & Visualization Pages
have been created by
Jaroslaw Francik.
Revised: March 12, 1997
Copyright © 1996, 1997 by Jaroslaw Francik