This archive contains a command line tool (colortransf v. 1.1) for performing reversible and irreversible color space transformations, including established standard transformations as well as new ones. Reversible color space transformations are described in: R. Starosolski, New simple and efficient color space transformations for lossless image compression, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2014, Vol. 25(5), pp. 1056-63, Irreversible transformations are described in: R. Starosolski, Human Visual System Inspired Color Space Transform in Lossy JPEG 2000 and JPEG XR Compression, submitted. This archive contains files: readme.txt - this file colortransf.cpp - a C++ source file of the colortransf tool colortransf.exe - Win32 executable Further description (the same will be outputted by the tool invoked with no arguments): colortransf v. 1.1, (c) 2014, 2016 Roman Starosolski, Apply color space transformation to RGB image obtaining transformed components, or recreate the RGB image from components using inverse transformation. Reversible color space transformations are described in: R. Starosolski, New simple and efficient color space transformations for lossless image compression, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2014, Vol. 25(5), pp. 1056-63, Irreversible transformations are described in: R. Starosolski, Human Visual System Inspired Color Space Transform in Lossy JPEG 2000 and JPEG XR Compression, submitted. Image formats: PPM P6 (for RGB image), PGM P5 (for components), PPM plane order RGB assumed, untransformed and transformed intensities assumed unsigned. This software is intended for research purposes only; it is provided "as is"; author makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to this software. This work was partially supported by the POIG.02.03.01-24-099/13 grant: GeCONiI - Upper-Silesian Center for Scientific Computations. syntax: colortransf [switches] command commands: S infilergb.ppm redT.pgm greenT.pgm blueT.pgm // split image into components, apply (optional) transformation U redT.pgm greenT.pgm blueT.pgm outfilergb.ppm // unsplit TEST_TRANSF range // test forward & inverse rebersible transformation for all // possible combinations of component values in given range // checking dynamic ranges of components and reversibility TEST_IRREV range // test forward & inverse irreversible transformation for all // possible combinations of component values in given range // checking component depth violations and forward/inverse // transformation errors switches: [-TRANSF nr] // apply transformation number nr (numbers listed below), for a detailed // description of transformations and components' formulas see the above // mentioned paper // // reversible transformations with inverses (* - 1-bit expansion): // 0 - RGB (no transformation, default), // components outputted in a following order: R G B // 1 - RCT (from JPEG2000 standard), // components outputted in a following order: Cv* Y Cu* // -1 - inverse RCT // 2 - YCoCg-R (from JPEG-XR standard), // components outputted in a following order: Co* Y Cg* // -2 - inverse YCoCg-R // 3 - RDgDb, // components outputted in a following order: R Dg* Db* // -3 - inverse RDgDb // 4 - A2, // components outputted in a following order: VA2* YA2 UA2* // -4 - inverse A2 // 5 - LDgEb, // components outputted in a following order: L Dg* Eb* // -5 - inverse LDgEb // 6 - LDgDb, // components outputted in a following order: L Dg* Db* // -6 - inverse LDgDb // 7 - mRCT (from extended JPEG-LS standard), // components outputted in a following order: mCv mY mCu // -7 - inverse mRCT // 8 - mRDgDb, // components outputted in a following order: R mDg mDb // -8 - inverse mRDgDb // 9 - mA2, // components outputted in a following order: mVA2 mYA2 mUA2 // -9 - inverse mA2 // 10 - mLDgEb, // components outputted in a following order: mL mDg mEb // -10 - inverse mLDgEb // 11 - mLDgDb, // components outputted in a following order: mL mDg mDb // -11 - inverse mLDgDb // // for testing components' formulas (no inverse, * - 1-bit expansion): // 20 - ADDAVG, components outputted in a following order: // ((2r+g+b)/4) ((2g+b+r)/4) ((2b+r+g)/4) // 21 - SUB, components outputted in a following order: // (r-g)* (g-b)* (b-r)* // 22 - INVSUB, components outputted in a following order: // (g-r)* (b-g)* (r-b)* // 23 - ADDHALF, components outputted in a following order: // (r+g)/2 (g+b)/2 (b+r)/2 // 24 - SUBAVG, components outputted in a following order: // ((2r-g-b)/2)* ((2g-b-r)/2)* ((2b-r-g)/2*) // // irreversible transformations with inverses // 30 - ICT (from JPEG2000 standard) // components outputted in a following order: Y Cr Cb // -30 - inverse ICT // 31 - YCoCg (irreversible variant of YCoCg-R from JPEG-XR standard) // components outputted in a following order: Y Co Cg // -31 - inverse YCoCg // 32 - HVSCT (irreversible variant of LDgEb) // components outputted in a following order: Y Cd Ce // -32 - inverse HVSCT // [-O_RAW] // output as RAW (skip PGM/PPM header) [-NO_INV_CHECK] // skip checking inverse transformation (or reversibility), default is to // check for each pixel before outputting it (S and U commands); for the // TEST_TRANSF command check ranges only (skip reversibility check) [-U_FORCE_CLIP] // clip inverse transformed components (for all transformations, done in // U command), use after lossy compression of transformed components; // default: do not clip [-NO_IRREV_CLIP] // for irreversible transforms only: skip clipping of transformed // components; default: clip examples: Split lena.ppm RGB color image into red green and blue components, saved as grayscale images R.ppm G.ppm B.ppm: colortransf S lena.ppm R.pgm G.pgm B.pgm Transform lena.ppm using YCoCg-R transformation, save resulting components as Co.ppm Y.ppm Cg.ppm: colortransf -TRANSF 2 S lena.ppm Co.pgm Y.pgm Cg.pgm Apply inverse YCoCg-R transformation on Co.pgm Y.pgm Cg.pgm components, save resulting image as lena2.ppm: colortransf -TRANSF -2 U Co.ppm Y.pgm Cg.pgm lena2.ppm Convert lena.ppm RGB color image to BRG space and apply mRCT transformation on image with permuted components: colortransf S lena.ppm R.pgm G.pgm B.pgm colortransf U B.pgm R.pgm G.pgm lenaBRG.ppm colortransf -TRANSF 7 S lenaBRG.ppm mCvBRG.pgm mYBRG.pgm mCuBRG.pgm Transform lena.ppm using irreversible ICT transformation, save resulting components as iY.ppm iCr.ppm iCb.ppm: colortransf -TRANSF 30 -NO_INV_CHECK S lena.ppm iY.pgm iCr.pgm iCb.pgm Generate components being primary color differences (irreversible operation): colortransf -TRANSF 21 -NO_INV_CHECK S lena.ppm R-G.pgm G-B.pgm B-R.pgm What errors are introduced due to forward and inverse irreversible ICT transformation, for component values in 0..255 range? colortransf -TRANSF 30 TEST_IRREV 256 Is mLDgEb really reversible for all possible combinations of component values in 0..255 range? colortransf -TRANSF 10 TEST_TRANSF 256